qijT54rwyDuqUGRJr6it6A==2024-08-04T21:33:06Zsummer 2024
This is easily the best course I've taken so far. I would highly recommend this course to everyone who is taking systems specialization. It's a shame that it isn't a core course.
As with most OMSCS courses, this one is about breadth. It emphasizes both - theory and practice. I knew very little about compilers and came away with a solid understanding of various components. I think the only part that is outdated is the attribute grammar framework. The third edition of the textbook doesn't even mention it. Lectures are okay, although they mostly follow the textbook.
The TAs are the primary reason why this course is outstanding. They are highly knowledgeable about the subject and are genuinely enthusiastic about teaching. Most of the questions are resolved very quickly. There is a fast turnaround time for grading - one week at the most and even shorter around institute deadlines like withdrawal and grading dates.
Don't take this one lightly. The questions are quite challenging. I recommend writing code to solve them, and verify answers. For the liveness analysis, the code you write will also be helpful for Project.
In summer there are three phases - 1) Generate Parse Tree 2) Generate IR 3) Generate MIPS assembly. The difference from a full semester is that you don't have to handle floats, and you don't have to handle one register allocation algorithm. In hindsight I should have taken this course in a full semester. But I'm interested in some other high workload courses that aren't offered in the summer.
The great thing about the project is that all the tests are given to you up front. If you pass the autograder tests, and don't do anything obviously incorrect to bypass them, you will know how you perform right away. There is no submission limit, you get feedback in under a minute, and you're actually encouraged to submit early and frequently while you implement various functionalities.
There is zero starter code and a single dependency - ANTLR4. Other than that it's up to you how to implement the compiler. You don't get this level of design and implementation freedom often.
The final was a bit difficult for me. There was one significantly challenging question that I just didn't have enough time for. Also, given the amount of effort one has to put in the homework and project, the final has way too much weight. I think 25% would be a fair amount. I would recommend completing the extra credit portion in the Project, even though I didn't do it. It's worth 5 points in the finals, and gives you enough leeway for a grade.
Rating: 5 / 5Difficulty: 5 / 5Workload: 28 hours / week